State of Neovim 2024: The Giants Have No Timeouts

What will you get out of this talk?

  • backstory
  • motivation
  • current status
  • plans

Ten years

No commits for 4 days. Is Neovim dead? – reddit user (2015)








  • 2019: the case for legacy; Nvim vs Vim
    • “more Lua in core, more stdlib, more ergonomics”
    • features, UI ext, GUIs
  • 2021: all-in Lua, no Vim9script
    • Deletion is synthesis. Don’t accumulate indiscriminately.
  • 2022: asteroid mining: channel the energy
    • Automation, tech debt
  • 2023: space colony: scaling contribs, human coord
    • Architecture, interfaces
  • 2024: external factors: warp drive for space colony
    • Move fast

Lore: Neovim legacy, next steps

  • ed: line-addressable editing language
  • vi: normal-mode (AKA ex 2.0)
  • vim: +textobjects, +eval (Vimscript)
  • nvim:
    • --embed (hosted)
    • API (host)
    • nvim -l (composable)
    • org (humans)

Lore: Vim way (2019)

Which of these will be relevant in 5-10 years?

  • ✅ Modes
  • ✅ Macros
  • ✅ Common conventions (re-use concepts)
  • ✅ Optimize ad-hoc: :nn instead of set_mapping()
  • ✅ Leverage external tools
  • ❌ DWIS not DWIM
  • ❌ Keystroke-driven: gj instead of move_cursor()







  • minimalism
  • text UI
  • control/extensibility
  • optionality
  • ecosystem (legacy/inertia)
  • excellent people



Beauty is our business. — Dijkstra


Why indeed

High-demand products, derided as frivolous:

  • video games => GPU
  • internet => search
  • ecommerce => logistics
  • social media => datacenters, training data
  • vim fork => :terminal, async
  • nvim lua => 10x plugins
  • bitcoin => ?

IOW: just do it.

  • “Inverse vandalism.”
  • “Beauty is our business.”

Why: optionality

  • Don’t need to guess the future, only prepare
  • Hosted in vscode editor (or any non-modal editor)
  • Hosted in firefox/chrome (firenvim)
  • Extensible into a full app (lazy, nvchad, astro)

be a capybara or tardigrade

Why: big things have low optionality

  • vscode
  • intellij

Why: optionality, Nvim chooses “power”

The expression problem: conflicting “design duality” between power vs properties.

  • Adding a property limits power.
  • Constrain “system boundary”.

Why: optionality, Nvim chooses “power”

  • Nvim plugins are maximally unconstrained (ad-hoc).
    • But we have an organism for lifting properties into the system boundary.
      • Examples: extmarks, lsp, shada
      • TODO: plugin namespaces, perf monitoring, packspec
  • OTOH, Nvim itself is an “eldritch object” (not a “cuddly object”). But it’s small enough to be a primitive (narrow waist).
  • The system boundary of Nvim is:
    • architecture
    • invariants
    • documented patterns/practices

Why? compared to other projects

  • vscode:
    • ✅ isolated plugins, UI protocol
    • ⚠️ TUI, modes(!), ad-hoc, macros
    • data science (telemetry) ~ agile consulting 2.0
  • zed:
    • ✅ CRDT, “vim macros”
    • ⚠️ TUI, modes(!), ad-hoc (no Lua), 20+ mins build-time
  • ?
    • brain–computer interface (BCI)?

(irrelevant: AI)


Why fork vim / why start from scratch (2019)

  • Text editing is hard: multibyte, layout, cursor positioning, line-wrapping.
  • Vim iceberg: shell handling, encoding, completion, Vim regex, quickfix … Massive plugin archive.
  • Nvim: Focus on usability and extensibility => remove anti-features, dead-ends.

If “text editing” becomes a primitive (e.g. a high-quality rust library, anaologous to “rg”)… Nvim can consume it. That exercise will tell us what remains.

Why: harmony

  • “Regular” syntax (nested, homoiconic, (foo(bar(…)))) vs irregular free-form/“command”/“chat” syntax (DWIM, ad-hoc, throwaway)
    • vim/vi DSL = ad-hoc, interactive
      • Example: :foo
      • Example: nvim --remote +'foo'
      • Homoiconic macro DSL (even when keyboards are obsolete, need “roundtrippable”, human-readable format for macros).
        • Used for repeat, mappings (saving to config), throwaway scripting, macros.
    • “regular” syntax for programming, not for interactive.
    • For interactive: most systems (except emacs) end up reinventing an interactive DSL.
      • Example: IRC/Discord /foo commands.

Why: “start over” vs “harmony” (legacy leverage)

  • “start over”
    • helix (kinda both: editor from scratch, but leverages lua/ts/cargo)
    • rust (hostile to C legacy)
    • Xi editor
    • Smalltalk
    • urbit (reinvents everything)
  • “harmony”
    • zig (harmonious with C, fully replaces cmake)
    • lua (FFI harmonious with C)
    • nvim

Effing the ineffable

  • Who cares about extensible tools? (editor/vim/emacs)? (hackable)
    • A: non-extensible tools are like “shopping”, not “developing”. (build vs buy)
    • Why is it so hard to automate my OS?
    • vscode: create a mapping that automates a set of actions?
      { "foo" : [
        "cmd1": [ "arg1", "arg2" ],
        "cmd2": [ "arg1", "arg2" ],
    • hackable: linux, raspi

Effing the ineffable

  • Who cares about minimalism (essentialism)?
    • x86 variable-length ISA greatly complicates its pipeline, vs ARM:
      • ARM’s open licensing helps to avoid “innovators dilemma”.
    • format => presentation, not vice-versa!
    • why was Knuth preoccupied with typesetting?
    • why was Apple preoccupied with typography?
    • vscode/vs/eclipse represent the best that $1B can offer. Minimalist = “bloat skeptics”. Want to avoid depending on a incomprehensible blob.
    • every node goes dark over time. After 4 years, this page has expired ssl cert and 10+ broken links:
    • net will denormalize to avoid censorship/control => your life’s work needs to fit in a git repo, stored in “forever formats”.

Who cares about minimalism (essentialism)?

Vscode is a loooooooooooot of software, and rapidly growing.

Effing the ineffable

  • Why text UI (TUI)?
    • “remote desktop” UI to any machine
    • kitty/ghostty are raising the bar of the “lowest common denominator”.
    • macros (predictability, accessibility)
    • no DRM, no ads. it’s the speakeasy of the information age. escape-hatch from the browser hegemony.

Why: what motivates me?

  • 2019 central questions:
    1. does vim need a fork/lua/terminal/jobs/treesitter?
    2. does the world need more vim?
  • 2024 central thesis: we have…
    1. excellent people
    2. about to unlock huge potential. want to see where it leads.







  • Build from source in <5 min (make distclean && make => 57s!)
  • GitHub downloads: 5.8M (2023: 3.2M, 2019: 310k)
  • Homebrew: nvim=373k vim=296k (2023: nvim=220k vim=238k)
  • Stackoverflow survey: “most loved” (4 years!)
  • /r/neovim 107K (2023: 69k, 2019: 11k)
  • /r/vim 178K (2023: 163k, 2019: 90k)
  • Vibe: …a lot of users
  • Contributors: 1386 (200 from Vim) (2023: 1160)


Status: Funding

  • Where do donations go?
    • 100% WORK.
    • Full-time dev 1+ month
    • Zero overhead
    • 13+ developers since 2014
  • 2024 work:
    • unicode handling, redraw, msgpack, arena allocator
    • options subsystem
    • UI extensibility (messages grid)

Org: Maintenance

Maintenance lacks the glamour of innovation. It is mostly noticed in its absence.

“Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the transmission of fire.” — Gustav Mahler

maintenance latent knowledge theory building legacy asteroid leverage

Status: Nvim STABLE (0.10)

  • 0.9
    • ’exrc’, “trust database”
    • ‘statuscolumn’
    • Lua script runner: nvim -l
  • 0.10
    • Concept consistency win:
      • nvim_open_win ✓ supports all window kinds (float and split) ✓ floating windows work just like regular windows
    • Type annotations for vimscript, api
    • Default colorscheme
    • LSP inlay hints
    • TermRequest, TermResponse
    • treesitter: builtin parsers for bash, markdown, python
    • comment plugin
    • vim.snippet, vim.iter, vim.system
    • vim.lpeg,, vim.glob, vim.base64
    • url hyperlinks (OSC 8)
    • :[range]lua
      vim.api.nvim_open_win(0, false,
        {relative='win', border='double', row=3, col=3, width=60, height=10})

Status: Nvim HEAD (0.11)

  • vim._with() (lewis + dundar + echa!)
    • Unblock via internal/private functions.
  • UX: right-click “Go to def”, “Open in browser”
  • improved unicode/emoji/casefolding, utf8proc, drop src/unicode/ (40k loc) #29628 #30014 #30042
  • every successful app eventually gains a markdown parser… why?
    • answer: just like ASICs (sha256, h264), the cooling phase of simulated annealing forms solved problems into hardware instead of software.
      • xterm is “hardware”, markdown is “hardware”, …
      • Alan Kay: “Nothing less soft than a legacy system; nothing softer than a buggy system”
        • soft = ad-hoc
        • hard = rust
      • “Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny” (Tanenbaum) = “embryos go through all of stages of evolution”

Status: remote TUI

  • nvim --remote-ui

Status: “daemon mode” [count]<c-z>

  • “daemon mode” [count]<c-z>

Status: progress in 2024

  • Lspconfig nearing maturity.
    • ✅ cleanup, migrate to checkhealth, automate/generate more.
    • WIP: lift lspconfig into core (@gpanders)
    • WIP: vim.lsp.config, configs on ‘runtimepath’.
  • Lsp autocompletion
  • Lsp multi-client (same buffer)
  • Performance
    • rpc/arena allocator
    • redraw
    • treesitter
    • lsp semantic tokens #31117
    • vim.validate
    • vim.str_byteindex, vim.str_utfindex
  • Improved paste handling for redo/macros.
  • Defaults: LSP, snippets, vim-unimpaired
  • :TOhtml Lua+ts rewrite

Status: progress in 2024

  • WIP: Options refactor+extend (@famiu, examples: #31111 #30993)
    • Enables us to fully leverage options instead of module-specific innner platforms.
      • Example: default floating window style: #20202
  • Builtin UI declares nvim_set_client_info() on its channel.
  • WIP: in-process LSP #24338
  • WIP: remote TUI “detach”/reattach
  • EXPERIMENTAL: treesitter WASM

Status: writing things down

Humans are exposed to neurobiological failures (attention engineering, rage farming). But our superpower is the ability to coordinate with narratives. — David Shapiro

Alan Kay:

  • systems aren’t stories (no start/finish, just processes), thus hard for human brain to grasp.
    • Human inventions (systems) accelerating » faster than human genetics/collective wisdom (stories).
    • cf. Tony Hoare “Debugging harder than programming”
    • cf. Einstein: “We cannot solve our problems with the same levels of thinking we used to create them”.

Status: writing things down

“Understanding variation is the beginning of knowledge.”

  • routine variation is present in every natural process
  • setting a target does not in itself help achieve that target

– W. Edwards Deming / Statistical Process Control

Status: writing things down (2024)

  • treesitter distribution @clason #22313
    • upstream coord: versioning/conventions
    • capture groups
    • queries
    • dist: WASM
  • lsp.buf “continutation” proposal #31206
  • vscode-remote ssh
  • Lua guidelines (also useful for helix/mle/vis/roblox)
  • Event interface
  • RPC callbacks #8658
  • Lua structured concurrency, promise/future
  • simplify remote plugins, massively #27949
  • “culling of vim.lsp.util”: #25272 @gpanders narrative => mature interface for vim.str_utfindex()
  • “vim.ui enhancements”: #25514 @gpanders narrative => fully-formed nvim_open_win, etc.
  • lsp handlers/multiclient redesign #30982

Status: Engineering, mf

“Programming as Theory Building”, Peter Naur

The mind-map of a complex system can’t be written down.

Code = compressed form of numerous interactions. Extracting to non-code is so verbose, consuming it would take more time than grokking the code.

Status: Engineering, mf

  • eliminate rbuffer.c (unnecessary indirection): @bfredl #29141 #29106
  • eliminate libmsgpack, favor libmpack @bfredl #29358 #29467
    • eliminate msgpack_sbuffer #29241
    • use mpack in shada, update conversion logic, remove libmsgpack: #29540
    • positions shada for more “shared database” things.
  • gen_vimdoc.lua, replace lua2dox (lewis)
  • echa found that vim.deprecate was slow in hot loops. Narrowed to vim.validate. gpanders/echa/bfredl made them fast.
  • build.zig => cross-compile magic
  • treesitter wasm/webassembly

Status: plugins 2024:

Lore: no third ecosystem

Ecosystems tend to be winner-takes-all (80% of users will use the top few, the rest is “long tail”)

Windows Phone was actually an amazing platform for both users and developers, and shows a fundamental rule of technology: There Is No Third Ecosystem."

Vscode is the first ecosystem. Vim has always been the second ecosystem. But it’s first for the “modal” subcategory.

Lore: no third ecosystem

Hemant Mohapatra

When distribution is proprietary, distribution wins (Comcast vs Netflix), when distribution is commoditized, best product wins (chrome vs IE), when product is commoditized, best service wins (Amazon vs others), when service is commoditized, best network wins.

  • vscode marketplace is proprietary (no forks can use it)
  • legacy/community has “network” effects
  • vscode/zed/nvim are competing on “product” axis
  • but vscode/zed are offering services (collab editing, settings sync, AI)

Status: risks, lingering problems, where are we failing?

  • Still no Windows “owner”
  • Too many topics (horizontal instead of vertical)
  • Macros are not seamless.
    • Potentially helped by multicursor internals.
  • Concept creep:
    • extmarks ~ “buffer annotations” ~ decorations ~ hl_attrs.
      • cf. text properties (vim/emacs), overlays (emacs)






Future: positioning/strategy

  • –embed (hosted)
  • API (host)
  • nvim -l (composable)
  • org (humans)

Future: positioning/strategy

Doesn’t this apply to all projects (vscode, intellij)?

  • yes but,
    • they are big => hard to pivot
    • commercial projects tend to be goal-oriented instead of system-oriented
    • employee turnover: low institutional memory/tradition, low idealism
    • design-by-committee (“leadership”)

Future: constraints

  • Cursor (enhanced context), AI chat (feature, not product)
    • all editors will get this feature
  • UI components (NUI)
  • layout engine (instead: integrate primitives (e.g. image protocol), but don’t reinvent web browsers).

Future: 2025

  • Press Enter is the primary UX evil.
    • vscode feels nicer because it fails (errors) less noisily.
      • try looking at Extension Host logs in vscode!
        Error: telemetry-v2: recorder used before initialization
            at CallbackTelemetryProcessor2.callback (/…/sourcegraph.cody-ai-1.38.1/dist/extension.node.js:55629:17)
    • @luukvbaal working on this. #27811

      Excise the technical debt of “need_wait_return/msg_scrolled global juggling”. Instead Lua code decides in one place what to do with routed messages.

Future: 2025

  • It should “just work”.
    • drag/drop files/images into the editor
    • paste images/urls into the editor
    • long lines / big buffers
    • ‘autoread’
    • Lua profiling
    • Lua debugger
    • Lua REPL
    • shada/context
    • Note: this is application-level stuff, instead of system-level

Future: 2025

  • repeatable visual-first operations (kakoune/object-verb).
  • multicursor
  • debug/profile story for plugin development
  • “online” plugin performance tracing
    • detect and report badly-behaving plugins (plugin namespaces?)
  • primitives for AI assistant
    • gathering context to send to LLMs
    • displaying responses
    • using responses (copy-paste, completion)
    • chat
  • “presentation mode”:
    • markdown: render hyperlinks, images
    • keymap: z<tab> or <backspace>
  • image API #30889
  • stdlib
    • forming an “async” story #19624

Future: packspec (pkg.json)

Future: builtin plugin manager

minimal git-based plugin manager. like “paq”.

Future: remote plugins v2

connect to more stuff

Future: deprecation strategy


  • some users exhausted by deprecation frequency
  • some core devs exhausted by api maturation phase
  • some core devs exhausted by legacy maintenance (opposite!)

Future: deprecation strategy

  • “Application authors everywhere can always and without risk keep upgrading to the latest libcurl”.
  • “Examples, documentation, applications, can just always upgrade and continue. … Possibly the single most important property of curl.”

Future: deprecation strategy

The cost of deprecations is:

  1. HIGH: managing the migration lifecycle (for hard deprecations)
  2. HIGH: downstream breakage (for hard deprecations)
  3. HIGH: face-huggers: permanent cognitive/discoverability cost of documentation/api/autocompletion surface-area (for both users and maintainers).
    • Developers use old wrong thing as “precedent”.
  4. HIGH: bug fixes
  5. HIGH: presence of old “dead” code amongst “live” code.
  6. LOW: size/performance cost + presence of the code “somewhere”.

For “low-dependency/complexity” interfaces, we can totally eliminate 1-5, while paying the minor cost of 6, by:

  1. Refusing all maintenance / bug fixes
  2. Hiding the implementation in a “radioactive waste” area.

Future: deprecation strategy

:help api-contract has been very successful:

  • Keep the old impl, but remove it from docs+autocomplete.
  • That gets it mentally out of the way without breaking downstream.
  • Works perfectly for “flat” (low-dependency/cyclic complexity) interfaces such as the API.
  • Could work for flat lua functions/modules (treesitter, vim.*).

Future: deprecation strategy


  1. Greatly reduces the urge to remove the implementation, so legacy programmatic consumers can worry less.
  2. Eliminates face-huggers.


  • “how is this different than vim’s never-remove-anything?”
    • This applies to low-dependency/low-complexity things, not “subsystems” (e.g. cscope).
    • Vim doesn’t remove docs/completion/etc.

Future: deprecation strategy


  1. soft
  2. radioactive waste <= we are adding this stage
  3. hard (removal)


  • rpcnotify/rpcrequest. Should be shadow-banned but not removed, it’s too disruptive to remove them.
  • Vimscript timer_start() vs uv.timer_start(). timer_start() is needed for back-compat, but showing it in docs and completion is noise, because it is redundant with uv.timer_start().

Future: deprecation strategy

Example: if gets deprecated,

  • it is unsupported, won’t get fixes/improvements
  • it no longer shows in autocomplete
  • removed from documentation
  • removed from meta
  • its impl is moved to deprecated.lua

Future: 20XX

  • multihead:
    • q: if you can share shada/buffers/layouts amongst peers, do you actually need multihead? a: optimize server discovery + ‘autoread’ + shada

Future: actual macros

If a UI session can emit itself as code, system feels alive, composable. Narrow waist, more leverage.

Various attempts:

Future: positioning/strategy

  • Something interesting happened since 2014: while Nvim was focusing on better TUI-GUI parity (from both directions), the terminals kept improving.
    • Even Windows Terminal supports xterm protocol.
    • tui-modifyOtherKeys/CSIu fixed some old pain-points ( vs , “super”/cmd key, …)
    • performance, clipboard, truecolor, mouse hover, ….
  • But Neovide still feels astonishingly “smooth and fast”.
    • We must support GUIs (“parallel tracks”).

Bundling vs unbundling

  • Do both (host + hosted) = leverage
  • Apps tend to excel at their own stack:
    • emacs = elisp
    • nvim = c, lua, treesitter (:InspectTree, :EditQuery)
    • intellij = java, kotlin
    • vscode = js/ts, LSP
  • …so embedding-into those hosts is very powerful.
  • Dropping :cscope caused worry, but 2 years later is actively maintained, and has more features than the old :cscope.
    • Arranging topics for flexibility (outsourcing non-core concerns to plugins) allows faster iteration, higher quality. => “system boundary”
  • cmake (shrink C core…) => zig build (shrink C core…) => rust?


  • Examples:
    • json, OCI containers
    • raspi
    • joint-stock company, limited liability
    • ISO 6346 (shipping containers!)

Harness/jacket dimensions

iow: Neovim is a PDU (protocol data unit) that harnesses:

  • modal user interface
  • programmatic interface (Lua/RPC)
  • continuous integration (CI) system to support rapid evolution
  • human system (docs + chat + lore) to learn from the outside world
  • engineering to connect libraries (treesit/zig/utf8proc/libuv) …and adapt to change

Harness/jacket: primitives

  • :terminal is an elementary component (like buffer, pipe, pty). Not bloat.
  • TUI features are primitives (image display)
  • CLI composability is a primitive (“echo foo | nvim”)

Positioning: AI?

  • LLMs = personal exocortex (search engine).

  • like a personal nuclear-powered assistant

  • SEO = good for humans, good for AIs.

    • If you don’t explain/document things for humans the AI will also be weaker.
  • 2024:

    • “:help vimscript-functions” lists return + parameter types.

Positioning: AI

write Nvim lua function that accepts a Lua pattern and searches buffer text surrounding the current cursor position, delimited by the previous and next occurrence of the pattern “^#”.

  • how can we make it very easy/attractive for 3P AI plugins?
    • improved RPC story (for nodejs/etc)
    • wasm

AI fixes this?

Things that don’t exist:

  1. “compile” UI interactions to code.
  2. micro-language with single-file impl in java/.net/js/…. only has a python impl.
  3. builtin instrumentation instead of mocks/spies.
  4. Can AI delete code?



    NeoVimEcosystem --> NvimArchitecture[Nvim Technical Architecture]
    NvimArchitecture -->|Inherits from| VimLegacy[Vim Legacy]
    NvimArchitecture -->|Uses| Libuv[libuv]
    NvimArchitecture -->|Integrates| Libraries[Libraries]

    style MarketForces fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style NeoVimEcosystem fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style NvimArchitecture fill:#bfb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style VimLegacy fill:#ffb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style Libuv fill:#fbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style Libraries fill:#fff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px

parallel tracks…

        modal editor hosted in vscode
        platform for applications lazy/nvchad/astro
        portable multitool embedded systems
        multihead/p2p remote attach/detach
        hackable mentally-tractable starting point
        org/institutional knowledge
